Friday, January 8, 2010

Microsoft: Hardcore Gamers Will Love Project Natal

January 7, 2010 - Microsoft understands hardcore gamers don't want to stand in front of their TV and wave their arms when playing Project Natal. For them, Natal will be a very different experience.

During Microsoft's financial analyst briefing this afternoon, President of Entertainment and Devices Division Robbie Bach was asked to explain who the targeted demographics are for Project Natal, due out this holiday. Bach explained Natal was for everybody, including hardcore gamers expecting to play Halo: Reach.

"Take your hardcore gamer, they're going to love Natal,"Bach explained. "Now, they'll play a different style of game on that when they're doing it. When they play Halo: Reach, they might be back with their controller doing some very, you know, targeted things. But the style of game they will play will be different."

"But they will absolutely love Natal," he added.

Bach also stated that 70 percent of the publishers are now developing titles for Project Natal. The company revealed a modest listed of Natal developers during this past Tokyo Game Show. The list included names such as Bethesda, Capcom, Konami, and Ubisoft.

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