Sunday, January 10, 2010

Army of Two: The 40th Day story

Background & story

Tyson Rios and Elliot Salem begin Army of Two: The 40th Day a few years after the story of the original game ends as self-employed private military contractors who run, with the aid of Alice Murray, their own private company called TransWorld Operations (TWO). They are engaged in a routine mission in Shanghai when things go very bad. A competing PMC attacks the city, causing mayhem and destruction and threatening Rios and Salem’s survival.[13] As executive producer Reid Schneider explains, “It's really more of a survival story, and about what happens to you when you're there. Salem and Rios are on a routine mission in Shanghai and all hell breaks loose. We want to tell a story about what happens while you're there."[13] The idea is compared to the movie Cloverfield, where a series of events (disasters) occur and the characters must then overcome them. Amidst their efforts to survive, Rios and Salem will also have the opportunity to take up missions in order to earn money

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